The check list below is designed to help you find the base causes for the issues your currently experiencing with your horse/s. Print out the checklist and write your horses name next to the issues that best discribe what is going wrong. In conjunction with the Gotcha Equine Feed plan your horses over all health and behaviour can be greatly improved.
If you would like assistance working out what could be wrong with your horse, or a free copy of the full (updated) Gotcha Equine Feed Plan please email Gotcha Equine , please including your full name and phone number.
Below is a brief list of the some symptoms. There are MANY more.
(ALL Vitamins + Minerals)
- Vitamins and Minerals have a role in assisting with dull and off colour coat / no topline / gut health
- Cracked and flaking hooves / thin hoof wall / slow growing hooves
- Extended recovery time / ill-thrift
- Developmental orthopedic diseases(DOD) and OCD/tendon contracture/knuckling under or weak behind
- Lacking energy / reluctant to move forward / reluctant to canter or make transitions
- Compulsive eating/can’t keep their head out of grass/failure to reach genetic potential/growing rump high
- Prone to string halt / acidosis / abscesses / mud fever / sunburn / EPSM
- Reluctant to move forward / reluctant to walk properly / reluctant to strike off into canter
- Enlarged parathyroid gland (under the neck, just back from throat latch)
- Unexplained lameness / Hind leg stiffness
- Leg bone splints/bone demineralisation
- Ruptured tendons, spontaneous fractures
- Facial crest -bump on the bridge of the nose just below the eyes (often in growing horses)
- ’Big Head’ (Hyperparathyroidism) - swollen facial bones
- Loose teeth / stiff gait / short stepping
- Enlarged joints / joint and bone tenderness / ’clicky’ or noisy joints
- Young growing horses fail to reach expected height / Very rump high
- Obstruction of nasal passages, which may cause a noise and / or discharge
- Developmental orthopedic diseases (DOD) or OCD / tendon contracture / knuckling under or weak behind
- When grass is growing rapidly such as during spring and autumn
- Badly behaved /very skatty, spooky and anxious / over sensitive / violent bucking
- Bolting off in short bursts / grinds teeth / tight and tense / claustrophobia
- Sore back / cold back / muscle tightness
- Unsafe / can’t handle pressure of competition, unpredictable
- Can’t get a saddle to fit / discomfort with saddle
- Weak behind / grass tetany (flush of grass) / appears lame behind
- Head-flicking
- Short stepping / tender hooves
- Skips in canter with hind legs
- Stressful situations - traveling / racing / competing
- Herd bound (goes ballistic if paddock mate leaves)
- Floating out / floating long distances (travel tetany)
It is important to note that myco-toxicity and magnesium deficiency have very similar symptoms.
(DE-TOX - Toxin Binder)
Autumn / Spring / Tropical conditions (Ideal conditions for fungus/mycotoxins) Grazing Rye Grass, Paspalum, Fescue and Phalaris
- Spaced out / eyes glazed over / staring out at things not there (statueing)
Rye Grass or Paspalum staggers / dipping in the back end / appears weak behind
Skipping hind legs in canter
Low or compromised immune system due to mycotoxins
Badly behaved / very skatty and anxious / over sensitive (to noise) / unpredictable
Dislikes handling (ears, chest and sides) / head-flicking
Bolting off in short bursts / violent shying / violent bucking
Unsafe / can’t handle pressure of competition
Tripping and stumbling
Bloated and pot belly
Excessive aggressiveness
Herd bound (goes ballistic if paddock mate leaves), Fence walking
Excessive snorting / overheats when rugged
Small frequent manure / scours and diarrhea
Effect the reproductive system / raging seasons / prolonged gestation
Excessive sweating / sweating with very little exertion / smelly sweats
Sweating up in situation they don’t normally do, such as floating
Assist gut health/also contains toxin binder - (as listed above)
Very gassy / loose manure / very noisy stomach
Very sensitive digestive system / picky eater / slow eater / chews wood / wind sucks
Ideal for horses locked off grass at night or have limited acces to grass
Refer to the Gotcha Equine Feed Plan for dose rates.
Like assistance working out what could be wrong with your horse or like a free copy of the full feed plan. Please email Gotcha Equine, including your full name and phone number please.