Gotcha Equine Online Survey


It has become clear a large number of the health and behaviour symptoms exhibited by our horses are due to diet. It has surprised us how many of these problems just disappear when some simple changes are made. Some of the symptoms are so common that people regard them as normal! Horse owners are often unaware of the serious impact that myco-toxins, sugar/fibre content and mineral imbalances can have on their horse.


There are even some mysterious symptoms and behaviours for which extensive investigations have failed to come up with a cause. Spring fever, head-flicking, herd bound behaviour, anxiety, unexplained poor movement, obesity, acidosis, laminitis, skin conditions, hoof problems or obscure, hard to diagnose problems are simply a thing of the past.


Our aim is to achieve horses that are consistent all year round, can cope with the pressure of competitions and aren't plagued with frustrating problems which affect performance, confidence and enjoyment. This is an exploratory survey to establish which health and/or behavioural issues are affecting horse owners in Australia.


It would be extremely helpful if you could complete the following survey as accurately as possible. The survey can be filled out for your current horse or if you have had problems with previous horses then feel free to complete the survey again for them too.





Gotcha Equine Health and Behaviour Survey Privacy Statement.


The Gotcha Equine health and behaviour survey is anonymous. The record kept of your survey responses does not contain any identifying information about you unless you answer specific, non mandatory questions in this survey. 


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